Jr. High girls! Grab your aprons and head over to the Ernstroms at 4:30 to make dinner for the Badger family. Keith and Cara Badger have been some faithful servants of our Lord in the High School group and Ashley and Danielle have decided to serve them through making them a little din din! Sounds like a SWEET time to me!
High School and Jr. High will both be meeting at Grace from 7-8:45. This is again such an opportunity for you all to come and be encouraged in your faith and also to bring others so that they might hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, which may lead them to salvation. Seeya in The Basement!
Friday: High Schoolers
After the SLO High Home Football game, which starts at 7:30, head on over to the Grays home at 683 Evans Road for our 5th Quarter party! If ya need a ride after the game wait outside the main gate and one of the staff or Todd will hook ya up! There will be a Kajabe-Can-Can tournament along with tons of munchies, a pool, a pool table, some ping-pong and it will go all the way till midnight! Talk about a fun time eh?! Invite your friends for sure!