Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jr High Guys Bible Study Friday 15th 1:00-2:30

If you are in Jr. High and you are a guy then it would behoove you to arrive at Keaton Moore's abode, 1325 Aralia Ct., on the 15th of August at 1:00.  It should prove to be a truly divine time of fellowship, finger foods and time in the word together.  Ok enough proper-type!  Hope you all can make it!  Should be sweet for sure!  Call me if you have any questions 801-6160.
OK OK THE LOCATION HAS BEEN CHANGED TO TIM McShea's House 995 Goldenrod in the Arbors same time 1-230.  Coolio!


TIm Maas said...


evan said...

this is awesome!

Anonymous said...

How 'bout announcing the girl's study here too, yo? Tuesdays at 4:30 starting on 8/26 at my house (Ashley's).